一, 尺寸: 50 x 60 mm2
二, 原理图下载
三, 包含
1, UWB+BLe模块(中间黑色的大块凸起部分)ISP1510-UX UWB and BLE module
2, 三个FPC接头,用来进入nRF52832的GPIO脚 3 x FPC connectors in order to access the nRF52832 GPIOs:
3, 一个10脚的FPC接头在板子的顶部 1 x 10 pin FPC connector on top side of the board.
4, 1 x 14 pin FPC connector on top side of the board.
5, 1 x 22 pin FPC connector on top side of the board.
6, 一个十针的座子用来进入Dedawave的GPIO脚 1 x 10 pin header order to access the decaWave GPIOs
ISP151001的样品,技术支持,参考设计,评估板请联系代理商南频 =>座机0755-82565851 邮件 dwin100@dwintech.com 手机156-2521-4151
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